Kay edited this one so I have no idea what the title means nor do I have any memory recording it. Here's what Kay says about it:
"the episode is called ASOBAPBBQ. it's about theon hears some very cool stories from roose and tyrion hangs out on a boat. the song is will anybody ever love me"
Chapters: ADWD Reek III, Tyrion VIII
Outro music: Will Anybody Ever Love Me? by Sufjan Stevens
We're back once again talking about the greatest literary character of all time. That's right, it's a Melisandre chapter! Dany is also here and I'm gonna be honest I already forgot what happened in her chapter. Let's say she had a talk with Skahaz and Mo Reznak and cried about Missandei's dead brother. Oh and she has child slaves now, but in a cool woke way, not like the slavers she just outlawed.
Chapters: ADWD Daenerys who cares how many at this point, Melisandre I
Outro music: Deeper Well by Emmylou Harris
a new episode!!! this one is called "Pussy Fetus Magic". it's the jon chapter where melisandre touches his "wolf" and davos turns out to be alive and gets his boyfinding mission. the song is char ga kuru by koichiro hori
I swear there was at least 10 additional minutes of Forrest Gump talk that I cut out. Somebody get us theatre tickets we're getting desperate.
Chapters: ADWD The Wayward Bride, Tyrion VII
Outro music: Gump by Weird Al Yankovic
Welcome back to your favorite podcast about the Performing Arts. Theater, opera, musical, we got it all covered! This week we brush up on some of the important theater terms, and then we meet a whole lot of guys. Who did JonCon fuck in the Golden Company? And what are all the sellsword companies like? Are they normal? The answers may surprise you!
Chapters: ADWD The Lost Lord, The Windblown
Outro music: PIMP by Bacao Rhythm and Steel Band
ASOBAP is brought to you by Good Episode Productions. Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/w8APyXe2a2
We are all still grieving the death of many of our favorite characters such as Missandei's brother as well as Dany's favorite harp player, but at the end of the day we must move on and continue with the podcast. This is an episode where Tyrion does the worst thing he's ever done and he's still not the character we hate most. Then, we argue why Dany should have done child murder and at least one of us earnestly suggests that Cersei would have done a better job governing than Dany. So basically it's a great time for everyone involved. Somebody PLEASE get us those theater tickets,
Chapters: AFFC Tyrion VI, Daenerys IV
Outro music: I'm Dancing in the Show Tonight by Ween
ASOBAP is brought to you by Good Episode Productions. Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/w8APyXe2a2
This New Theon Greyjoy Theory Will Blow Your Mind!
Chapters: ADWD Reek II, Jon V
Outro music: Redesigned a Million Times by And So I Watch You from Afar
ASOBAP is brought to you by Good Episode Productions. Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/w8APyXe2a2
Hey everyone George is doing a play in London about the tourney at Harrenhal and we want to get free press tickets to the premiere so we need to be taken seriously. Hold on let me just see what I named this episode
Chapters: ADWD Tyrion V, Davos III
Outro music: When I Get to the Border by Richard & Linda Thompson
ASOBAP is brought to you by Good Episode Productions. Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/w8APyXe2a2
Stop me if you heard this before but we're reading Dany and Jon chapters this week. Dany sees a sex show with a gay man and then Jon looks at some meat slabs with a different gay man. George is once again hitting us with the parallels across different chapters, and in this case the parallel is "gay men". Let's give it up to the gay men, everyone!
Chapters: ADWD Daenerys III, Jon IV
Outro music: Lonely Eyes by the Front Bottoms. guess who edited this one
ASOBAP is brought to you by Good Episode Productions. Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/w8APyXe2a2
Tyrion gets horny, plays chess and does a cartwheel. Davos eats a nasty apple. Plus: everything you always wanted to know about urinal etiquette!
Chapters: ADWD Tyrion IV, Davos II
Outro music: Pissin' In The Wind by Jerry Jeff Walker
ASOBAP is brought to you by Good Episode Productions. Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/w8APyXe2a2